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Title: Paradigm of Information Design in China from 2009 to 2019 Based on the Content Analysis of the Chinese Design Academic Journal ZHUANGSHI
Authors: Xing YANG
Xing Yang
Sone Simatrang
สน สีมาตรัง
Silpakorn University. Decorative Arts
Issue Date:  18
Publisher: Silpakorn University
Abstract: Communication processes and media have changed as a result of advances in information technology. The new paradigm of Chinese information design is forming as Mainland China is leading in information technology. To construct a set of design paradigm research models, this study combines perspectives from design history research, art history research, and science history research. Following that, using the Chinese comprehensive design academic journal ZHUANGSHI as a database, this research uses the content analysis approach to decode the paradigm of information design in China (2009–2019). As a result, design paradigm research models including a new design classification model, a relationship model among paradigms, and a design paradigm descriptive indicator system were created. And, China is forming an information design paradigm that focuses on long-term benefits and balancing relationships rather than creating artifacts, which is dually affected by the development of global information technology and China's domestic economic, cultural, and design education development strategies. Design practitioners are more and more willing to set design goals from the perspective of the supply-side and are carrying out extensive design cooperation on data-driven platforms. In practice, understanding the emerging model will help practitioners grasp the latest growth direction of information design. The design paradigm models, in theory, will provide researchers with research tools.
Description: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
ปรัชญาดุษฎีบัณฑิต (ปร.ด.)
Appears in Collections:Decorative Arts

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