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Title: The Brand Image Creation of Jinan Cultural Heritage under the Background of Urban Renewal
Authors: Yichen QI
Yichen QI
Yodkwan Sawatdee
ยอดขวัญ สวัสดี
Silpakorn University
Yodkwan Sawatdee
ยอดขวัญ สวัสดี
Keywords: Urban Renewal; Cultural Heritage; Branding; Historical Cultural Block
Issue Date:  28
Publisher: Silpakorn University
Abstract: This study investigates the creation of cultural heritage brand image in Jinan City against the backdrop of urban renewal. The aim is to create a unique city brand image by incorporating elements of regional cultural heritage and to explore the factors influencing its brand image formation. This study summarizes the relevant theories of urban brand design and cultural heritage, studies the relationship between them, and pays special attention to the issues surrounding cultural heritage preservation and inheritance during the urban renewal process, as well as the phenomenon of cultural deficiency during the city .The research methods employed include field surveys, focus group discussions, and a combination of qualitative and quantitative studies. In practice, Baihuazhou Historical and Cultural Block, a demonstration area of urban renewal in Jinan City, was selected as the design object. Based on theoretical exploration and research in the early stage, the brand image creation model of urban cultural heritage was constructed, cultural elements in regional culture were extracted, a set of historical and cultural block brand design schemes was constructed, including brand visual image, signage system design, and tourist navigation map design. The proposed brand positioning is "An Experiential Folk and Historical Cultural Block Connected by Springs." The objective is to allow more people to experience the cultural charm of the Baihuazhou Historical and Cultural Block through the unique effects of the brand and the interactivity of cultural communication, it has also become a new business card for Jinan's urban promotion. This study affirms the importance of incorporating cultural heritage elements into urban brand design. The proposed design concept has received recognition from relevant experts and has been validated through exhibitions. The theoretical research on cultural heritage and urban historical and cultural block brand design, as well as the practical design work for the Baihuazhou Historical and Cultural Block brand, provides a useful reference for the brand design of domestic historical and cultural blocks.
Appears in Collections:Decorative Arts

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