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Title: Policy Guideline for Improving Sport Tourism in Guangzhou
Authors: Rong LI
Rong Li
Narinthra Chantasorn
นรินทรา จันทศร
Silpakorn University
Narinthra Chantasorn
นรินทรา จันทศร
Keywords: GuangZhou
SWOT Analysis
Policy Guidelines
Sport Tourism
Issue Date:  22
Publisher: Silpakorn University
Abstract: The sports tourism industry is rapidly developing globally, but China has not fully tapped into its potential, focusing mainly on competitive sports. Guangzhou, as an important city in Southern China, stands out for its unique qualities in sports tourism, being both the economic hub of the region and a host to significant international events like the 2010 Asian Games. The purpose of this study is firstly to investigate the current situation of sports tourism in Guangzhou, secondly to develop policy guidelines that can promote sports tourism in Guangzhou, and thirdly to evaluate the feasibility of policy guidelines for promoting sports tourism in Guangzhou. This study used a Research and Development approach. Step 1 (R1) is to use questionnaires and interviews to study the current situation of sports tourism in Guangzhou. Step 2 (D1) is to use SWOT analysis to propose policy guidelines for sport tourism in Guangzhou. Step 3 (R2) is to use connoisseurship to validate the feasibility of policy guidelines; Step 4 (D2) is To improve the policy guideline from expert advice in connoisseurship. The findings indicate that while sports tourism in Guangzhou has high potential, there are several areas requiring improvement. For example,participation is concentrated in specific age groups, and awareness of available sports tourism resources is relatively low. Respondents expressed moderate satisfaction with existing infrastructure and services, but there is a clear demand for better facilities and more diverse activities. The guide contains a total of 14 recommendations in five dimensions, including increasing awareness, engagement and satisfaction, promoting future development and the 4M Analysis. Through connoisseur tasting, the policy guidelines for promoting sports tourism in Guangzhou are practical and feasible. The study provides a set of revised policy guidelines. These guidelines aim to position Guangzhou as a leading sports tourism destination by addressing current challenges and leveraging its existing strengths.
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